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Object Type:	spikegen

Description:	Performs threshold spike discrimination.
		Generates an impulse each time an input crosses the
		spike threshold at a maximal rate set by abs_refract.

Author:		M. Wilson, Caltech 6/88, ave Bilitch 1/94



DataStructure:	Spikegen_type  [in src/newconn/newconn_struct.h]

Size:		88 bytes

		state		current spiking state
		thresh		threshold level for spike generation
		abs_refract	minimum interval between spikes
		output_amp	spike event amplitude



Function:	SpikeEvent  [in src/newconn/spikegen.c]

Class:		spiking

Actions:	RESET			clear the history buffer, removing
					any existing events
		PROCESS			determine whether a spike is
					generated, set the state to 0 for no
					spike or to output_amp for a spike
		CHECK 			make sure there is a source of input
					to drive spike generation
                RESTORE2		called by the restore command
                SAVE2			called by the save command

Messages:	INPUT  input 
		THRESH threshold


Notes:		Simulates a thresholded spike generation mechanism. When the
		input exceeds the specified threshold and there has not been a
		spike for at least the interval specified by 'abs_refract' a
		single spike event is generated with amplitude given by
		'output_amp'.  The spikegen typically receives action
		potentials from a compartment via the INPUT message and
		sends spike events to a synchan or synchan2 element with
		a SPIKE message.

Example:	Scripts/tutorials/tutorial4.g