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//  the following paron command starts up P-GENESIS with 4 nodes
//    ("-parallel" indicates that all nodes are in the same zone, i.e.,
//     their simulation times are advanced synchronously)
//    ("-output hello.out" indicates that the output from all nodes (except
//     node 0) will be written to the file hello.out; the output from
//     node 0 always goes to the terminal)
paron -parallel -nodes 4 -output hello.out
barrier 17   // the 17 is an arbitrary number chosen to uniquely
             //   identify this barrier
// the following echo command will be simultaneously run on all four nodes
echo "Hello from node " {mynode}
barrier 18   // the 18 is an arbitrary number chosen to uniquely
             //   identify this barrier
// shut down P-GENESIS gracefully