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Object Type:    synchan
Description:    Synaptically activated channel. 
Author:         Mike Vanier 11/94
DataStructure:  Synchan_type  [in src/newconn/newconn_struct.h]
Size:           200 bytes
Fields:		activation         driving force (transmitter) for channel
                Ik                 channel current
                Gk                 time varying channel conductance
                Ek                 reversal potential of channel
		tau1               first time constant of channel activation
                tau2               second time constant of channel activation
                gmax               peak channel conductance
                frequency          random activation frequency (default = 0)
                nsynapses          number of incoming spike messages (readonly)
		event_buffer_size  size of event buffer (readonly)
		pending_events     number of pending spike events in event 
				   buffer (readonly)
		nodes_per_synapse  number of event nodes to allocate per 
				   synapse (default 1)
                synapse            synapse buffer


Function:       Synchan  [in src/newconn/synchan.c]
Classes:        segment channel synchannel
Actions:        CREATE		set synapse_size hidden field
		INIT            assign activation = 0
                PROCESS         update Gk, calculate Ik
                RESET           assign activation = 0, Gk = 0; calculate
                                time-step-dependent coefficients
                RECALC          recalculate time-step-dependent coefficients
                CHECK           make sure tau1>0, tau2>0; make sure a VOLTAGE
                                message is present (in order to calculate Ik)
                SAVE2           called by the save command
                RESTORE2        called by the restore command
		EVENT		put a spike event into the event buffer
		RESETBUFFER     reset size of event buffer to 
				(nodes_per_synapse * nsynapses) nodes
		DELETE		delete the element
		COPY		copies the element
Messages:       VOLTAGE         Vm
		ACTIVATION      activation
		RAND_ACTIVATION probability amplitude
                MOD             modulation
Notes:          Simulates a time dependent synaptically activated ionic
                channel.  A variable channel conductance Gk is activated by
                the application of transmitter. This conductance then changes
                with damped second-order characteristics with a time course
                given by two time constants tau1 and tau2.  This gives rise to
		an alpha function/dual exponential conductance waveform for an
		impulse spike input.  The channel also calculates channel
		current Ik and therefore needs the membrane state (Vm).

                Each SPIKE message to a synchan establishes a synaptic
                connection and increments nsynapses.  The synapses are
                numbered starting with 0, and each contains a field for a
                synaptic weight and a propagation delay.  Thus, a synchan has
                some of the characteristics of the axons that make synaptic
                connections to activate the conductance.  For example, the
                weight of the first synaptic connection is held in the field
                "synapse[0].weight" while the delay is "synapse[0].delay".  Gk
                reaches a value gmax*weight for a single event delivered with
                a SPIKE message.  Note that even though synapses are not
                elements, they do have fields that can be accessed
                individually.  They can be thought of as "sub-elements" or
                substructures of the element.

		Any number of spike events can be pending per synapse.
		synchan stores all spike events in a buffer until they are
		scheduled to occur.  If enough events come in to overload
		the buffer, the buffer will dynamically expand to enable
		storage of all events.  The size of the buffer in events is
		stored in the "event_buffer_size" field which is readonly.
		The number of actual spikes in the buffer which have not
		yet hit the channel are stored in the "pending_events"
		field (also readonly).  The "nodes_per_synapse" field
		controls how many large the event buffer is initially.  The
		default is to have one node per synapse, but if you expect
		a lot of events or very few events you can change this
		number to be greater or less than the default (1),
		respectively.  This will speed up the simulation slightly
		in the first case and save memory in the second.  If you
		leave this field alone the object will still work fine.
		The "resetsynchanbuffers" command will cause all the
		buffers in all synchan and derived objects to be reset to
		a size of nodes_per_synapse*nsynapses (which will also
		cause all pending events to be flushed).

                Unlike most messages, a SPIKE message may only be sent from
                certain objects, e.g. the spikegen and randomspike objects.
                The example in Scripts/tutorials/tutorial4.g illustrates the
                use of synaptic connections with a very simple model of a
                neuron that translates action potentials generated in the soma
                into spike events using a spikegen, and then creates a
                feedback synaptic connection to a synchan in its dendrite.
                The synchan also receives random background activation with
                spikes provided by a randomspike element.  Chapters in "The
                Book of GENESIS" describe this tutorial in detail, the
                construction of networks with synchans, and the use of GENESIS
                utility functions to create synaptic connections and provide
                information about connections in a network.  The documentation
                for Connections also provides information about ways to make
                synaptic conections.
                The ACTIVATION message can be used to directly activate the
                synchan conductance without creating a synapse.  ACTIVATION
                messages do not create synapses with weight and delay fields.
                One use would be to deliver spikes to a synchan from objects
                that cannot deliver SPIKE messages, without using an
                intermediate spikegen object to create SPIKE messages.  In
                this case the activation that is sent with the SPIKE message
                should last for a single time step dt, and have an amplitude
                of 1/dt to normalize the activation to a unit area when
                integrated over this single time step.  Then, it will have the
                same effect as a SPIKE message, and the result will be
                independent of dt.  The other case would be one in which an
                activation is given that persists over multiple time steps, as
                in an in vitro experiment that provides synaptic activation
                that does not arise from axonal spikes.  In that case, no
                normalization by 1/dt is needed.  The activation will be
                integrated over the duration of the stimulus, and will not
                depend on dt.

                The MOD message is used to to implement neuromodulation.
                The MOD message simply scales the channel activation for
                that time step by the factor which is sent with the MOD
                message.  Note that this globally affects all the synapses
                in the synchan.  If you want synchans where some synapses
                are modifiable but not others, you should divide it into two
                synchans and only have a MOD message on the modifiable one.
                The MOD message could also be used to implement learned
                time-dependent modification of activation, by using a
                script_out or extended object to implement an algorithm for
                synaptic plasticity and to send the MOD message.  The
                hebbsynchan and facsynchan objects provide other mechanisms
                for implementing synaptic plasticity.

		The "copy" command will fail for any synchan, facsynchan, or
                hebbsynchan which is receiving SPIKE messages.  The correct
                way to set up simulations is to set up prototype cells which
                do not receive any SPIKE messages on their synchans, copy
                these cells, and then add the appropriate SPIKE messages (by
                hand or by using planarconnect or volumeconnect).  We are
                working on a more "intelligent" copy command which will permit
                copying of synchans with SPIKE messages, but for now, don't do

		This object used to be called synchan2 in genesis 2.0.1.
		Since it does everything that the old synchan does without
		the limitations of that object we have retired the old
		synchan and renamed synchan2 to be synchan.  "synchan2" is
		now just an alias for synchan -- they are identical.

Example:        (Using Scripts/tutorials/tutorial4.g)

                genesis > showfield /cell/dend/Ex_channel synapse[1].weight
                [ /cell/dend/Ex_channel ]
                synapse[1].weight    = 10

                genesis > echo {getfield /cell/dend/Ex_channel synapse[1].delay}

See also:       resetsynchanbuffers, Connections, NewSynapticObjects,
                hebbsynchan, facsynchan, getsyncount, getsynindex, getsynsrc,
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