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Object Type:	randomspike

Description:	place a random event into the buffer

Author:		M. Wilson, Caltech 6/88, Dave Bilitch 1/94



DataStructure:	Randomspike_type  [src/newconn/newconn_struct.h]

Size:		100 bytes

Fields:		min_amp		minimum amplitude of event
		max_amp		maximum amplitude of event
		rate		rate of generation of events
		reset		flag for whether to reset after each event
		reset_value	what to reset state to
		state		current state of object
		abs_refract	minimum time between events



Function:	RandomEvent  [in src/newconn/randomspike.c]

Classes:	buffer

Actions:	INIT

Messages:	RATE 	rate
		MINMAX 	min max


Notes:		Generates a time series of events at a rate given by the rate
		parameter. The probability of an event for a single time step
		is given by rate*dt where dt is the clock rate of the
		element.  However, no event will be generated at a time less
		than abs_refract.  When an event has been generated, the
		amplitude of the event is a random variable uniformly
		distributed between min_amp and max_amp.  The state field
		has the value of the event amplitude if an event has been
		generated. If an event is not generated then the value of
		the state field depends on the reset field.  If reset is
		non-zero then the state is takes on the value given in
		reset_value. Otherwise the state will behave like a latch
		containing the amplitude of the previous event.

Example:	Scripts/tutorials/tutorial4.g

See also:	

show floating TOC
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