//genesis /* FILE INFORMATION ** ** Tabchannel implementation of Hodgkin-Huxley squid Na and K channels ** This version uses SI (MKS) units and is equivalent to (but faster than) ** hh_chan.g, except for the function and channel names. */ // CONSTANTS float EREST_ACT = -0.060 float ENA = 0.045 float EK = -0.090 /* Square meters */ float SOMA_A = 1e-9 /************************************************************************* The function setupalpha uses the same form for the gate variables X and Y as the vdep_gate, namely: (A+B*V)/(C+exp((V+D)/F)) The constants above are related to the hh_channel constants by: EXPONENTIAL : gate variables in terms of hh-channel variables A A B 0 C 0 D -V0 F -B SIGMOID : Gate in terms of hh-ch variables A A B 0 C 1 D -V0 F B LINOID : A -A * V0 B A C -1 D -V0 F B *************************************************************************/ //======================================================================== // Tabchan Na channel //======================================================================== function make_Na_hh_tchan str chanpath = "Na_hh_tchan" if ({argc} == 1) chanpath = {argv 1} end if ({exists {chanpath}}) return end create tabchannel {chanpath} // V // S // A // S setfield ^ Ek {ENA} Gbar {1.2e3*SOMA_A} Ik 0 Gk 0 \ Xpower 3 Ypower 1 Zpower 0 setupalpha {chanpath} X {0.1e6*(0.025 + EREST_ACT)} -0.1e6 \ -1.0 {-1.0*(0.025 + EREST_ACT)} -0.01 \ 4e3 0.0 0.0 {-1.0*EREST_ACT} 18e-3 setupalpha {chanpath} Y 70.0 0.0 0.0 \ {-1.0*EREST_ACT} 0.02 1.0e3 0.0 1.0 \ {-1.0*(0.030 + EREST_ACT)} -10.0e-3 end //======================================================================== // Tabchan version of K channel //======================================================================== function make_K_hh_tchan str chanpath = "K_hh_tchan" if ({argc} == 1) chanpath = {argv 1} end if (({exists {chanpath}})) return end create tabchannel {chanpath} // V // S // A // S setfield ^ Ek {EK} Gbar {360.0*SOMA_A} Ik 0 Gk 0 \ Xpower 4 Ypower 0 Zpower 0 setupalpha {chanpath} X {10e3*(0.01 + EREST_ACT)} -10.0e3 \ -1.0 {-1.0*(0.01 + EREST_ACT)} -0.01 125.0 0.0 0.0 \ {-1.0*EREST_ACT} 80.0e-3 end