
Script to add STN synaps es (AMPA synapses from subthalamic nucleus) to GP model.

The compartments that re ceive the inputs must be listed in an ascii text file.



str STNfilename = “stn_syns.asc”

randseed 78923456

str stncompartment


//create input element t ree outside of the cell path

if (!{exists /inputs})

      create neutral /inputs


create neutral /inputs/STN

num_STN = 0


// Open the file with th e list of compartment names

// File MUST NOT have an y blank lines at the end, or function will fail.

openfile {STNfilename} r

stncompartment = {readfile {STNfilename}}

//cycle through STN inpu t compartments

while (! {eof {STNfilename}})

      num_STN = {num_STN} + 1

      //Add AMPA synapse from library

      copy /library/AMPA {cellpath}/{stncompartment}/AMPA

      addmsg  {cellpath}/{stncompartment}/AMPA \

             {cellpath}/{stncompartment} CHANNEL Gk Ek

      addmsg  {cellpath}/{stncompartment} \

             {cellpath}/{stncompartment}/AMPA VOLTAGE Vm


      //set up timetable

      create neutral /inputs/STN/{stncompartment}

      create timetable /inputs/STN/{stncompartment}/timetable


      if ({STN_rate} > 0)

             setfield /inputs/STN/{stncompartment}/timetable        \

                   maxtime {rundur} act_val 1.0 method 2            \

                   meth_desc1 {1/{STN_rate}} meth_desc2 0.005 meth_desc3 3    

             call /inputs/STN/{stncompartment}/timetable TABFILL



      //set up spikegen

      create spikegen /inputs/STN/{stncompartment}/spikegen

         setfield /inputs/STN/{stncompartment}/spikegen                   \

             output_amp 1 thresh 0.5


      //connect timetables to AMPA synapses

      if ({STN_rate} > 0)

             addmsg /inputs/STN/{stncompartme nt}/timetable \

                   /inputs/STN/{s tncompartment}/spikegen INPUT activation

             addmsg /inputs/STN/{stncompartme nt}/spikegen \

                   {cellpath}/{st ncompartment}/AMPA SPIKE



      // get next compartment name

      stncompartment = {readfile {STNfilename}}


closefile {STNfilename}