//genesis //mglu-ip3-kkit.txt //need to be in kinetikit script directory; Fabulous tutorial accessed by clicking "help" cd genesis/Scripts/kinetikit genesis Kinetikit /* Same reactions implemented in Chemesis * Parameters are from param.g Glu-mGLuR + G <-> G-Glu-mGluR -> aG + Glu-mGluR (uses Vmax2 Km2) aG + PLC <-> aPLC-aG (uses G2) aPLC + PIP2 <-> aPLC-PIP2 -> aPLC +IP3+ DAG (uses Vmax1 Km1) */ /* Create pools of molecules. One element is required for each molecule. No difference in creating conserve pools or reaction pools */ /*To make kpool creation easier, click on Units, then set default diameter=12.8 However, if you want to run it faster, set default diameter =1.28, and then you can use a dt of 1e-5 */ click and drag kpool CoInit=0, color=14, name=Glu_mGluR, Diam=12.8 uM click and drag kpool CoInit=25, color=26, name=Gtot, Diam=12.8 uM click and drag kpool CoInit=5, color=62, name=PLCtot, Diam=12.8 uM click and drag kpool CoInit=160, color=4, name=PIP2tot, Diam=12.8 uM click and drag kpool CoInit=0.0007, color=27, name=aG, Diam=12.8 uM click and drag kpool CoInit=0.0035, color=46, name=aPLC_aG, Diam=12.8 uM click and drag kpool CoInit=0.1, color=3, name=IP3, Diam=12.8 uM /*To set up the conserve pools as such, place mouse over other pools, and drag to the conserve pools. But don't do this in this simulation. 1. Click aG, drag to Gtot 2. Click aPLC_aG, drag to Gtot 3. Click aPLC_aG, drag to PLCtot 4. Click IP3, drag to PIP2tot */ /* Now create the reactions that will increase or decrease various molecules*/ /*First, enzyme reaction */ Click and drag kenz onto Glu_mGluR Vmax=1.8, Km=0.6, name=GGlu_mGLuR drag from Gtot to GGlu_mGLuR (substrate) drag from GGlu_mGluR to aG (product) /* Next, create bimolecular reaction */ click and drag kreac kf=100, kb=100, name=PLC_rxn drag aG to PLC_rxn (substrate) drag PLCtot to PLC_rxn (substrate) drag PLC_rxn to aPLC_aG (product) /* Then, create second enzyme reaction */ Click and drag kenz to aPLC_aG k1=0.83, k2=0.1, k3=0.58, name=pip2ip3 drag PIP2tot to pip2ip3 (substrate) drag pip2ip3 to IP3 (product) /* Blue arrows indicate conserved reactions * Red arrows indicate enzyme reactions * green arrows indicate bimolecular reactions * try to move around your pools to minimize arrow crossing */ Now, need to plot some values drag aG to Concs1 graph drag aPLC_aG to Concs1 graph drag IP3 to concs2 graph drag Gtot to concs2 graph drag PLCtot to concs2 graph Click Options, set clock dt for simultion =1e-8 set clock dt for plots = 1e-6 click options again to hide set runtime=0.1 reset start set CoComplex=0 (of GG_mGLuR) start Runtime = 0.9 Start // To verify your reactions ce kinetics le showfield Gtot, Ga showmsg PIP2tot, IP3 !!!!!!!!!!!!Warning!!!!!!!!!!! The above didn't work for me. I.e., I don't get the same values as XPP and Chemesis